A Proposal of User Data Collection
Planning Tool for Data-informed Design

User Data Collection Planning Tool for Data-informed Design

Led the entire research process for Master's Thesis

Led the entire research process for Master's Thesis

My Role

Graduate Research at Seoul Women's Univ.

My Role

Graduate Research at Seoul Women's Univ.

My Role

Graduate Research at Seoul Women's Univ.

Thesis Advisor

Youngwook Jung

Thesis Advisor

Youngwook Jung

Thesis Advisor

Youngwook Jung


Sep. 2021 - June 2022 (10 Months)


Sep. 2021 - June 2022 (10 Months)


Sep. 2021 - June 2022 (10 Months)


In-depth Interview, Thematic analysis, Participatory Design Workshop, UX/UI design, Prototyping


In-depth Interview, Thematic analysis, Participatory Design Workshop, UX/UI design, Prototyping


In-depth Interview, Thematic analysis, Participatory Design Workshop, UX/UI design, Prototyping


How to effectively get started
with data-informed design?

How to effectively get started with data-informed design?


Research Planning

After conducting background research, this study was designed by focusing on
early startups in a lean startup without data analysts, the environment with the largest pain point.

After conducting background research, this study was designed by focusing on early startups in a lean startup without data analysts, the environment with the largest pain point.

Research Questions

RQ 1

RQ 1

What factors make it difficult for UX designers working in a Lean Startup without data analysts to start a data-informed design?

What factors make it difficult for UX designers working in a Lean Startup without data analysts to start a data-informed design?

RQ 2

RQ 2

How can they efficiently collect quantitative behavioral data?

How can they efficiently collect quantitative behavioral data?

Discover & Define Phase

Conduct qualitative research

Desk Research & Recruitment

Recruitment criteria: Startup employment status, experience in data collection planning, level of expertise in data, Etc.

In-depth Interviews (12 people)

Conduct interviews in-depth understanding of data taxonomy design pain points

Thematic Analysis

Derived through the process of transcription, in-vivo-code, and theme grouping.

6 Key Findings

The Role of UX Designers in lean startup environments without data experts

They actively participates in the process of selecting key indicators and designing data collection, and leads communication.

It is difficult for a beginner to select key indicators.

They want to know service usage patterns by collecting important indicators according to the funnel, but they are not sure which data to select when selecting indicators or whether there is more suitable data.

It is necessary to discuss priority and naming before designing data collection.

Communication with other teams is essential for selecting important indicators for each service/team and tagging events.

Determining the scope and level of detail of data collection

It is most difficult to determine the scope of data collection and the degree of detail, and to design it structurally/extensibly according to the type of event data.

They ponder how to learn about data collection.

It is easier to apply to actual services by referring to services that have similar user behavior patterns rather than learning and applying theories one by one, and efficient because it can increase the understanding of internal team members.

Resource Limits for early Startups

Because startups often have limited time, personnel, and resources, it is important to first utilize free tools and carefully consider the scope of data collection so as not to interfere with the development of the actual service.

Design Phase

Ideation Workshop

A total of 4 data experts and novices were recruited to conduct
an online workshop to generate solution ideas for about 3 hours.

A total of 4 data experts and novices were recruited to conduct an online workshop to generate solution ideas for about 3 hours.

The most efficient form of solution to solve the major pain points is a tool

  • During discussions, it was generally agreed that the most suitable tool would be one that includes features such as wikis, communication, and filtering.

  • During discussions, it was generally agreed that the most suitable tool would be one that includes features such as wikis, communication, and filtering.

The flow should be able to follow steps according to the 'flow of time'

  • A structure that allows for communication about the reasoning behind indicator selection and exchange of opinions is needed.

  • The structure should also show the connection between overall goals, team goals, and related indicators.

  • A structure that allows for communication about the reasoning behind indicator selection and exchange of opinions is needed.

  • The structure should also show the connection between overall goals, team goals, and related indicators.


Set the design direction

Summarized all the previous research results and set the design direction.

Design for Key Scenarios

After selecting a key scenario, designed the information architecture and UI structure.

Scenario #1

Scenario #1

Establish goals and
hypotheses step-by-Step

Establish goals and
hypotheses step-by-Step

Define goals & set priorities with hypotheses

  • It's organized in chronological order so that users can simply follow the flow and set up their goals and hypotheses setting steps.

  • In the recommended goals section, users can see goals that are commonly used.

  • Hypotheses are inputted while reviewing reference data for each added goal and these can be used for team communication.

Scenario #2

Scenario #2

Funnel definition

Funnel definition

Define each step as a funnel by writing
the necessary Key Paths.

Define each step as a funnel by writing the necessary Key Paths.

  • Select defined goals and define each step as a funnel.

  • It is possible to refer to recommended funnels according to service type.

  • If six or more funnel steps are selected, a suitable data collection range will be proposed.

Scenario #3

Scenario #3

Event and property setting

Event and property setting

Selecting indicators while checking goals

  • When selecting indicators, one can filter by tools or domains to be used, one can refer to a discussion history.

  • When selecting the extent of collection, it is divided into three stages and one can choose how detailed they want to collect data.

  • Recommended properties are provided to show an appropriate range.

  • In addition, if the collection structure has been set in the settings, the naming of properties and collection structure will be automatically set.

Gather Feedback

Conducted a utility assessment to assess whether the data collection design tool,
which is the result of this study, is useful for target users

Utility assessment

  • Received an average score of 4.6 out of 5, indicating a high overall level of usefulness.

  • The scores for suitability and efficiency received relatively low scores of 4.3 and 4.1.

Limitations and direction of improvement

  • Received feedback that it needed visual improvements and additional clarification.

  • It is necessary to evaluate the effectiveness in actual collaboration situations.

  • There is a need to further expand the scope of this study to include data analysis and A/B testing to provide a more comprehensive approach to data collection.


This study identified the problems that UX designers face when collecting user behavior data in lean start-up environments without data experts.

It proposed a tool to assist with data collection, which received positive feedback from target users, to help efficiently collect meaningful data in such environments.





© 2023. YJ Kim. All rights reserved.




© 2023. YJ Kim. All rights reserved.